I recently decided to cut down my costs and buy direct from manufacturers instead of high-street shops. I found that I could buy some items, quite cheaply and there is still money to be saved.
I just want a few techno "boys toys" to play with for myself, but it is cheaper to buy two or three of them. You can buy them from me cheaper than the high-street price. I therefore have the following new items for sale. All are BRAND NEW (not used):
SEK 120:- spy Sunglasses - SEK99:-
SEK 120:- Mini-DV Camera in car-keyring form
SEK 210:- Mini-DV Camera (Spectra Optics)
SEK 500:- Quality video camera in a waterproof analogue wristwatch
SEK 450:- Video camera in a waterproof analogue wristwatch
SEK 300:- Bookshelf/bedside clock with HD video camera (DVC)
SEK 350:- Bookshelf/table clock with HD video camera (DVC)
SEK 210:- Video camera in a slimline pen - external memory (to 16GB)
SEK 400:- GSM spy bug (avlyssningsapparat)
SEK 500:- Mobile telephone blocker - Not in stock
Call me on +4673 6295 002 or send mail to sm0vpo2008(at)sm0vpo(dot)com, but do NOT send me money without confirmation that I have still got the item you want. I can also accept payment via paypal, bank transfer or cash, but I do not do postförskott. I stopped that after buying a house-brick from Blocket! (Swedish e-bay).
Alternatively you can meet me at the Arlanda Jumbo Hotell, see before you buy, and skip the postage.
Some items will not fit through a normal letterbox so Posten demand SEK 12:- extra, which is included in the quoted postage prices.
Warning: It may be illegal to own some of these items in some countries. In much of Europe it is quite legal to own such devices, but forbidden to operate them. It is your responsibility to check-up on the law before purchase.
These sunglasses have integrated and invisible mirrors on the edges so you can see behind you without turning your head.
Surveillance raises the less attention if you are in front of your target. With these sunglasses, you can do just that. No need to rely on reflections in shop windows. No more amateur hiding behind lamp posts as Mr. Bean, Johnny English, or Inspector Cluseau. You can follow your subject behind you while you read a newspaper or do a little shopping.
Despite the price, these glasses of very good quality and comes in a hard protective case.
Condition: New direct from the factory.
Price: SEK 99:-
Postage: SEK 30: -
You will love this little hidden camera. Can take still pictures in 1280 x 960 pixels or video in 720 x 480 pixels. It will also function as a web-cam. Fits inside the pocket and easily manouvered to take pictures of video in almost any situation.
I have even put one of these in a plastic zip-lock plastic bag and had it underwater on holiday. The weight is so low it can be carried on a Lama R/C helicopter. I regularly use this at work to see round corners and behind equipment racks where my big, bald head will not fit.
Price: SEK 120:-
Carriage: SEK 30:-
A really dinky little mini camera, with exceptional picture quality for such a cheap camera. It is about the size of your thumb and records video and audio. Perfect "boys toy" Christmas gift for children (and adult men). Easily hidden in cigarette packet, or carried in your shirt pocket.
Internal battery lasts up to 2 about hours. Battery is charged via USB Port (USB 1.1 or 2.0). Storage on Micro-SD card (not supplied) up to 16GB supported.
Condition brand new, boxed.
Video quality examples (at 30 f.p.s.):
Sample video (8Mb: 30MB/min = 33min/GB) shot outdoors late on a sunny day - high detail.
Price: SEK 210:-
Carriage: SEK 48:- (in Sweden)
Mer information på www.teknikmagasinet.se
This is a fantastic quality spy wristwatch. It is a video camera, with sound, built into an analogue wrist-watch, complete with sound. Video is stored in AVI format, using J-MPEG encoding. Video resolution is 640x480.
The camera can save 2M (1600 x 1200) still pictures. Video is stored on the internal 4GB flash memory, which can also be used as USB memory storage. Exceptioonally smart looking and good general appearace. This watch is well at home beside many more expensive wrist watches.
Observe that the clock face has no numbers. This means that no-one will notice if you wear it upside-down. Normally, people sitting in front of you will be the right way up, but you will be upside down. With the watch inverted you can film yourself the right way up but those in front will be inverted.
The stainless-steel case and metal wrist-strap is hard wearing and the case has a quarts glass window.
Note that although the video size is only 640 x 480 pixels, the video quality is far superior to may similar devices. The pictures and video are not "interpolated"; they are true-size and not inflated by software approximations.
Supplied with:
Price: SEK 500:-
Carriage: SEK 48:- (in Sweden)
This has got to be the ultimate in techno “boys toys” It is a video camera, with sound, built into an analogue wrist-watch, complete with sound. Video is stored in AVI format, using J-MPEG encoding. Video resolution is 1280x960 pixels.
The camera can save 5M pixels (3264 x 2448) still pictures. Video is stored on the internal 8GB flash memory, which can also be used as USB memory storage. Smart looking and good general appearace.
Observe that the clock face has no numbers. This means that no-one will notice if you wear it upside-down. Normally, people sitting in front of you will be the right way up, but you will be upside down. With the watch inverted you can film yourself the right way up but those in front will be inverted.
This must be the ultimate Christmas gift for your boyfriend or husband. Just make sure he doesn't wear it in the bedroom (but if that is what you want then look at the camera below :-)
Supplied with:
Price: SEK 450:-
Carriage: SEK 48:- (in Sweden)
A besdide clock with in-built digital video recorder, with sound. Records 1280 x 960 at 30 f.p.s. on a Micro-SD (Transflash) memory card. Video camera will take up to 32GB memory card, which gives about 12 hours recording time.
The camera is activated using a radio-remote control, for video, sound, still-picture or ON/OFF, range is about 15 metres. It also has a remote controller and can record triggered by a movement detector, so it is ideal for recording those who visit your home when the estate agent has an open-day :-) In this way you can see just who is looking at what in your home. Perfect for temporary observation of the idiot who is scratching your car paintwork.
Is your partner cheating on you? Do you want to record "romantic" self-video? Do you want to liven up the party with this on the bookshelf? Then this is the ideal instrument.
Video files can be downloaded to your computer via USB port. Cable included. Note Micro-SD (transflash) card NOT included.
Condition: new, boxed.
Price SEK 300:- Carriage 48:- (in Sweden)
A table-top clock with in-built digital video recorder, with sound. Records 1280 x 960 at 30 f.p.s. on a Micro-SD (Transflash) memory card. Video camera will take up to 32GB memory card, which gives about 12 hours of video. The battery capacity is about 2 hours.
The camera is activated using puttons for video and still-pictures, or ON/OFF. It can record triggered by a movement detector, so it is ideal for recording those who visit your home when the estate agent has an open-day :-) In this way you can see just who is looking at what in your home. Perfect for temporary observation of the idiot who is scratching your car paintwork.
ust who is your daughter bringing home when you are out? What parties does you son hold when you are away for the weekend? Do you want to liven up the party with this on the bookshelf? Then this is the ideal instrument.
Video files can be downloaded to your computer via USB port. Cable included. Note Micro-SD (transflash) card NOT included.
Condition: ney direct from the factory.
Price: SEK 350:-
Carriage: SEK 48:- (in Sweden)
Record meetings and conversations covertly with this spy pen camera. Record higher definition 1280x960 pixels video, with sound, or take still photographs. The camera-pen is 151mm long by only 14mm Diameter and weighs 35g. Not to be confused with the more "chunky" (feta) variants sold in Sweden.
This particular model has no internal memory whatsoever. You provide a micro-SD (TransFlash) memory card of your own, but the camera can support up to 16GB. The interface is by means of a mini-USB 2.0 for which a cable is included. This model comes with a manufacturers manual, written in English.
One single power button on the top of the instrument allows you, with a few minutes practice, to start recording without even taking the pen from your pocket. You can alternatively take high-resoluton 1.3M-pixel JPEG photographs. Internal battery is charged via USB port.
Main features:
Supplied with a USB extension cable. The pen was purchased "in bulk", which means there is no posh box or "embellage". The on-screen date/time stamp is updated by means of a notepad.exe text file.
Price: SEK 210:-
Carriage: SEK 30:- (in Sweden)
A GSM "bug" microphone that is just a little larger than a small box of matches. It operates in the 900MHz, 1800MHz and 1900MHz bands. This little device enables you to covertly listen-in to conversations, anywhere, anytime, from anywhere in the world.
Use an anonymous SIM card, such as Comviq Kompis (in Sweden), to call and it costs just 59 öre opening charge. To operate, simply insert a SIM card. When you telephone the unit (SIM card telephone number) it automatically answers your call and relays all sound in the room back to your telephone.
The unit makes no beeps or other sounds. No flashing LED lamps to attract attention. Internal battery lasts for up to 10 days standby, and can relay sound for up to 10 hours continuous. The in-built microphone captures normal conversational speech, for several metres: typically 7 metres in a conversational voice.
Perfect for eavesdropping a converence room, a party for a little fun, or even a little "light espionage" :-). Unit does NOT need any special SIM card, telephone accounts and does not need software installation. Complete with charger and USB charging cable. I can arrange a live demo. Call me. See the instruction manual (på engelska)
One other useful function is to bug your own car, powering one of these units from the cigarette outlet (5v converter needed). If you car should become stolen then the police can locate it, if the GSM bug is active. Just give them the telephone number of the bug and let them do the rest.
Weight: 45g, Size: 68mm x 39mm x 18mm
Warning: Within Sweden "Brottsbalken kapitel 4:e, paragraf 9a" states that you may listen-in without the other parties permission PROVIDING you, yourself, are one of the participants being recorded.
Brottsbalken, 4:e kapitlet, paragraf 9a: "Den som ... olovligen medelst tekniskt hjälpmedel för återgivning av ljud i hemlighet avlyssnar eller upptager tal i enrum, samtal mellan andra eller förhandlingar vid sammanträde eller annan sammankomst, vartill allmänheten icke äger tillträde och som han själv icke deltager i eller som han obehörigen berett sig tillträde till, dömes för olovlig avlyssning till böter eller fängelse i högst två år."
I do not agree with units that interfere with other services, but I have done some covert recording when involved with legal proceedings after my dismissal from my former employer. To be safe I used a mobile telephone blocker when I needed to be sure I was not being recorded.
This is a pocket-sized mobile phone blocker that blocks all types of mobile telephones. This item is popular with people travelling for business and wished to be certain they were not themselves bugged. This little ECM will block the above bug. It will NOT block multi-carrier telephone, such as UMTS, 4G, 5g, etc.
The unit is powered by an internal rechargable Lithium battery, which is charged by a universal charger. The jammer blocks all mobile phones within a small 10 meter (typical) radius, depending on the strength of the network base station signal strength. In rural areas it can block telephones up to 20 metres or more away, but in a shopping centre it may only work 1 metre.
Bands covered are:
Note that the unit will NOT block police, emergency services or any other emergencyt service radio traffic. It will only silence single-carrier mobile telephones operating in the above bands.
Unit specifications:
All the frequency bands will be blocked simultaneously. The jammer can be used anywhere, for example in meetings, clubs, conferences, classrooms, training centers, hospitals, petrol stations and shops. Perfectly for silencing mobile telephones that can cause interference or unwanted effects to other services, for example recording studios, medical electronics or areas with equipment. The jammer can be used to enforce "No Mobile Phone" areas.
It is also the perfect electronic counter-measure to my GSM bug avlyssningsapparat, which is why I came to have it in the first place.
The unit is supplied with:
Price. SEK 500:-
Carriage: SEK 48:- (within Sweden)
Best regards from Harry - SM0VPO
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