If you just need technical advice then please use my Messageboard at https://sm0vpo.forumotion.com and pose the problem to many people. If you REALLY want to send me e-mail then here are my current e-mail addresses:
- Please use this address - I read it daily.
- Notice the bad spelling - deliberate :-).
Due to regular SPAM, I have imposed rules on the two POP3 accounts:
As you can see, these rules are very effective. Rule 6 is the "blacklist all" command that does all the work. Rules 1 to 5 selects those messages I want. If you do want to implement these rules for your yourself then I can assure you that they are effective.
The hotmail address harryvpo@hotmail.com does not have any size restrictions and is the only account that will accept an attachment. I do try to reply to all messages, even many of the silly ones. Please note that I do not read this account daily.
If I have not replied to your message then you are welcome to resend, but reduce the attachment size to less than 26Kbytes, or remove rude words from your message body, such as f%&k, viagra, cialis, membership, penis, rewards, invest, debt, winner, winning, foolproof, cum, sex, gay, guaranteed, mortgage, loan, casino, click-here, teens, profit, insurance, lottery, your-account-is-overdrawn, and "answer me you bastard - this is your ex-wife". These are just some of the words that are not in my accepted vocabulary.
As a matter of interest, I had an operation in November 2007 to remove 4 tunours. After the operation the doc said he wanted to prescribe cialis, in small doses, to improve circulation: 1/2 a tablet, twice a week. He said "Mr Lythall, have you ever used Cialis before?", to which I replied "No, but I do get SPAM, so I know what it is." We both had a damn good chuckle over that.